Sunday 23 February 2014

Vision, Mission and Core Values

5th Feb 2014 – LPM – Module 2: Support Team                   Mr Jamali

First lesson Support team by Mr Jamali. Class starts with a mind map to overview the module topic we will be covering. Something that I am familiar with as I am a visual person and I do mind map to have a better understanding of what I am learning.

I was taken aback when Mr Jamali had again touched the topic about Vision, Mission and Core values. This seemed to be very important statement in an organization. Reflecting on it again, it gives me an idea that I should suggest this to my husband. As a stay at home mother with two children, I have to convert my class study into context of a home environment. I believe it will definitely help me and my family foreseen our aim in life as a family and for our future generation. And so we create our own vision and mission for our family. Due to our kids are still young our statement is simple and a meaningful one. 

  • Vision: We strive to treat one another with love, kindness, understanding and respect.

  • Mission: We will work to keep our relationship strong through submission to Allah, loving, respectful and honest communication as long and as much as we can do.

We also shared the same understanding of core values of a family.
  • We will emphasize on love, respect, compassion, honesty, trust, communicating and flexibility to support one another imperfection.

This vision will stay and will be review again when the kids are much older, like what was being told in class “vision may change due to external or internal factor”. For now, this is our family vision and mission statement.

  • Reshaping our family one step at a time.

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